Ph.D., The George Washington University, Washington DC.
M.Sc., Assiut University, Egypt.
Systems Communications and Networking, Microwaves and Electronics.
Coding, Metamaterials and Impulse Response
Impulse Response, Metamaterials and Coding.
- CMP 562 Computer Networks/Systems Communications & Networking
- CMP 471 Special Topics in CS – Digital Design
- CMP 472 Special Topics in IT Essential Guide to Telecommunications
- CMP 270 Essentials of Networking
- CMP 230 Discrete Mathematical Methods for Computing
- CMP 110 Introduction to Computing
- N. Morsy,” The Wave Equations of Composite Metamaterial Transmission-Lines for Developing Ultra-Wideband UWB Technology,” in Fairfax University of America (formerly Virginia International University) International Secure Computing & Technology Conference, Fairfax, VA, Nov. 2016,
[2] M. N. Morsy and W. K. Kahn,” Application of novel summation approach in technique to find the transient response of a dipole antenna,” IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Comp., vol.43, pp. 197-202, May 2001.
[3] M. N. Morsy and W. K. Kahn,” A novel summation approach in technique to find the transient response,” IEEE Trans. Electromagnetic Comp., vol.38, pp. 542-545, Aug. 1996.
[4] M. N. Morsy and W. K. Kahn,” The transient field radiated from a dipole antenna to excitation by a realistically modeled pulse generator,” in IEEE Int. EMC Symp., Dallas, TX, Aug. 1993, pp 83-88.
[5] E. M. El-Sayed and M. N. Morsy,” Analysis of microwaves ovens loaded with lossy process material using transmission-line-matrix method,” International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, vol.20, no. 12 pp. 2213-2220, December 1984.
[6] E. M. El-Sayed, H. M. Ibrahim and M. N. Morsy,” Validity of using of the transmission-line-matrix method in determining the tuning behavior of loaded microwave ovens,” in Int. 84 Athens Summer Conf. Modeling & Simulation, Zappion, Athens, June 1984.
[7] E. M. El-Sayed and M. N. Morsy,” Use of transmission-line-matrix method in determining the resonant frequencies of loaded microwaves ovens,” the Journal of Microwave Power, vol.19, no. 1 pp. 65-71, March 1984.
- Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal of Research Publications (IJRP).
- Reviewer for the International Journal of Advancement in Computing Technology (IJACT).
- Member of ITT National Curriculum Committee (2005-2016).
- Member of ITT Advisory Committee (2004-2016)
- Member of IEEE Communications Society.
- Member of the IEEE-MTT (Microwave Theory and Techniques)
- Member of the IEEE-AP (Antennas and Wave Propagation) Society.
- Member of the IEEE-EMC (Electromagnetic Compatibility) Society
- Numerous Teaching Performance Awards (including financial awards).
- Certificates of Appreciation from the IEEE Communications Society.
- Outstanding Performance Award from the Chairman & CEO of ITT-Tech.
- Outstanding Teaching Performance Award from Fairfax University of America (formerly Virginia International University)
Life Senior member of the IEEE (the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineer).