Fatimazohra Slim, Alumni

This is my first academic experience in USA and very glad that I chose FXUA. I think that the TOEFL program at FXUA is the best because of the teachers and their strategies. They are teaching us the real test and it helped us.

Mustafa Habib, Alumni

I studied at different countries, studied in South Africa, England, and Washington DC but never taken any course that helped me to pass through the difficulties that are faced in English language as the course I took at FXUA.

Sumeyye Gunbayli, Alumni

In this program, teachers always help you on how can you manage time, how can you write, how can you understand easily. These little things are important. This program teaches you these things which are very important for TOEFL that is about strategy.

Ahmed Almalki, Alumni

FXUA has great teachers, teachers that do not let the student finish their class until they understand everything. I highly recommend the program for all students who wants to have a high score in the exam and for the students who look forward to improve their English skills.

Samiullah Samsor, MPA 2016

I graduated with my MPA (Master of Public Administration- Public Management) in 2016. Prior to my graduation, I made important networks with other young professionals at the Afghanistan Embassy in Washington, DC. The impact of my US degree in MPA changed my entire profile, frankly, the person I was before leaving changed when I returned to Kabul, Afghanistan. The values, the perception, my understanding of the world, and more specifically my technical insight toward governments and its management really changed after graduating from FXUA. During my last semester, I choose to write my thesis on the Kabul Municipality, an entity providing services for more than 6 million citizens. My thesis at FXUA made it my destiny to work for the organization. The Mayor of the Kabul Municipality asked me to send my research to him and in return, he replied with “excellent research” and an offer for me to work with him and serve the country together. To sum it all up, FXUA led me to choose the best path, learn through experience, network with professionals, research the best, and finally help me receive my dream job.

My journey to the US started with a dream to only get a degree from a US university and then return to my home country. The decision to return was already made because the conditions in Afghanistan need to be changed and change comes only with young educated leaders. I believe that I can do more for people via public sector since in third-world countries governments are most likely on the front lines for services for their people.

Working at the Kabul Municipality was really challenging for me. I’ll say it’s really hard to directly roll the ball in public sectors. Regulations, policies, and working environment are deferent in public than private sector. At my job as the deputy revenue director, my manager and I were in charge of managing 540 employees. In the absence of my manager, I am responsible for managing all these employees with good results. In the last five months, I am the Deputy and Acting General Director of the revenue department for the Kabul Municipality. I work unpaid overtime but at the same time, I am making changes, which is the expectation of my boss and the entire government in Afghanistan.

One of my friends is currently working in our embassy in Washington, DC told me that always believe in the steps of your career. Simon Sinek, who inspires me says to always work for your why. Define your why because why can lead us in the right direction.

FXUA students have the same dreams as any other student across the US and or the world. What we need to do is to think bigger, believe stronger, and follow our dreams heavier. Believe me that FXUA will give you the result you put into it. As an example, at Kabul Municipality there are people graduated from the University of Washington, Johns Hopkins, Texas University, other state universities, Fulbright Scholars, and very simply, myself.

Samiullah Samsor
MPA (Master of Public Administration- Public Management) in 2016

Vaidehi Pulavarthi, MCS 2016

My name is Vaidehi Pulavarthi and I’m from India. Before coming here, I pursued an undergraduate degree from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological Institution in India and afterward, worked at TCS for Belgacom Telecom, Belgium for 2 years as a technology developer. In 2013, my marriage brought me to the United States. I have a passion for teaching. My goal is to eventually make teaching as my profession.

I have always wanted to pursue higher education not just to get a pay raise at work but for more exposure to the current trends. Being from a country where IT servicing is prevalent, keeping up with learning process is a must for professional survival.

I have my family living in Fairfax, Virginia, so naturally, my primary factor was the geographical location. Within the area, after considering multiple factors like affordability, flexibility, diversity as well as the richness of the courses offered, FXUA felt like a natural fit for me. I was especially encouraged by the wide variety of specialization courses offered at FXUA. These courses are up to the market trends (for example, Mobile Application Development). I graduated in 2016 with my master’s in computer science.

During the time I have spent at FXUA, I was lucky to have great professors who introduced me to new ways of learning, gave me a great exposure to a new set of career opportunities, and helped me in crafting my personality. I am so glad I made the decision to go to school at FXUA; the experiences I had are helping me every day in my current position at Fannie Mae.

A few notable examples:

  • With the assistance of Professor Andy Yao (he teaches Design and Analysis of Algorithms) I approached Fairfax County to understand the process on how they track school buses to build a mobile application for them. This helped me learn how to write business requirements for an app.
  • Initiated and been a part of developing a mobile application for Student service center at FXUA through which they can monitor the number of students attending an event. Conducted user acceptance testing with a set of students on the application that was built and received their feedback on it. The end to end experience helped me with my entrepreneurial ambitions and the confidence to execute on them at a later stage in my career.
  • Received guidance from Professor Hany Eldeib (he teaches Computer Architecture and Implementation) on perspectives of pursuing higher education which I am sure to pursue in the next couple of years.

Currently, I work for Fannie Mae as a Scrum Analyst. I came to know about the position through my sister-in-law who works for the same company.
The interview process was very different from what I had experienced for my first job in India. It was not as technically complex as I thought it would be since the position was closer to an entry level analyst position. I had a phone interview followed by an in-person meeting. As the interview panel knew I was a fresh college graduate their focus of questions were mainly on what I had accomplished through my masters. After having me introduce myself and making me comfortable, the panel followed up with questions on my prior job experience and some technical questions.
Before attending the interview, I made sure to thoroughly do my homework in the Secondary Mortgage Market and specifically all the news articles (prior and current) on Fannie Mae which gave me a very good context around the history of the company and where they are currently. That homework showed during the interview process where I was able to surprise the interviewers with my domain knowledge and followed up with a few of my own set of probing questions. That gave them the confidence to hire me because they felt that I had proven to them that I had the attitude to learn new things.

I would like to share with you some of the questions I was asked on the interview, just to give you an idea what might be an interview question. Here are the examples:

  • Why did you choose to do master’s when you had an opportunity to take up a job?
  • Tell me few situations where you failed and also tell us about the lessons you have learned through your failure.
  • Do you say ‘No’ when management insists you to deliver something with an impossible deadline? If ‘Yes’, how do you explain it to them.
  • How will this job benefit you in your current career?

Competing in the market with others is tougher than you think it is. However, do not let your initial failures get to you. Remember that you failed because you had the courage to try. Learn from them and let them be a stepping stone to your future successes.

It is never too late to start networking. Building contacts and keeping in constant touch with people will eventually land you in the right place at the right time. I was very surprised to learn that most of the job openings in any company are filled internally through contacts. Follow up after your initial call. People get busy at work very quickly and need to be reminded of what a great candidate you are. Do not expect them to make the first move!

Always, always keep working on your resume – stand out by taking special courses or certifications in your free time. Your efforts will never be wasted.
While always important, in more recent times it has become more imperative that you work on being culturally assimilated. While remembering where you come from is important in how you are defined so far, you would be wise to take stock of and be respectful of the culture, customs, and norms of the country that you currently reside in. A potential employer is impressed not only by your knowledge and experience but also by how you carry yourself.

Never lose sight of your dreams. If you have made it here all by yourself, then you definitely will make it to where you belong. Be open to all opportunities and paths. You never know which path will lead you to your dream job.

Vaidehi Pulavarthi
Master’s of Science in Computer Science, 2016
Scrum Analyst, Fannie Mae

Said Sani, MBA 2011

My name is Said Sani and I am from Nigeria. I received my bachelor’s in computer engineering from Bishkek/Kyrgyzstan. I knew that once I graduated I wanted to further my education with a master’s degree. I came to the US and studied at Fairfax University of America and received my master’s in 2011. I choose the university because where I received my undergraduate degree from worked closely with FXUA. Several of my professors had visited and suggested that continuing my education at FXUA would benefit me. I got my first masters on International Business and second in Accounting.

The most amazing thing about FXUA is the diversity and the culture at the university. There are good relationships between the students and professors. I was introduced to different cultures, traditions, and languages because there were a lot of international students. I made friends from all around the world and even though I didn’t visit most of my friend’s home countries I learned so much about their culture, which is a great help for my current job.

My advice for the FXUA students is to come together, get to know each other, and help each other because the friendships you make here will stay with you after you graduate. Many times these friendships can evolve into business relationships. It is easier to trust someone you know and you have studied with rather than looking for a new business partner that you don’t know. This is a major benefit to study at a smaller university; you get to know everyone and become a family.

After I graduated, I saw that there was an internship opportunity in the Nigerian Embassy and I decided to apply. After my internship was done, there was a job opening for a Finance Assistant and I decided to apply for the position. I received the position and now I work at the embassy. I love my job; I feel like serving my country is the best thing I can do in my life.

I love what I do so I would like to become a career diplomat. I want to be involved in politics and diplomacy; I want to make difference for my country. I want to contribute to the prosperity of my country, work towards providing higher living standards, better education, and job opportunities by representing my country abroad and bringing opportunities back home.

Said Sani
MBA International Business Management 2011
Finance Assistant at the Embassy of Nigeria, Washington DC

Anastasia Dorokhina

Quote: “FXUA has impacted my personal and professional life in a positive way and helped me identify and develop my skills and expertise.”

My name is Anastasia and I am originally from Moscow, Russia. I completed my undergraduate degree in Economics in Moscow and I decided to pursue my graduate studies abroad. I started my investigation into a Master’s program offered in the USA and visited several times. It helped me decide that the US would be the right place to pursue my Master’s degree.

Once I visited Virginia, I absolutely loved the cultural diversity and strategic location, I decided to concentrate my university research in the DC/MA/VA area only. Taking into account that Virginia is one of the wealthiest and expensive areas in the country, I challenged myself to find a good university where can I afford the tuition.  Among the universities I was considering applying to was Fairfax University of America. Not just because of its affordability, but because of the simplicity of an application procedure. Now I am honored to say, that I graduated with MBA degree in International Business Management from FXUA.

While at FXUA, I learned valuable on-hands experience through events organized by a FXUA Career Center. I remember one of the speakers mentioned that networking is a key factor no matter what professional path you choose. Perhaps everybody knows about the importance of networking but it was an absolutely new aspect for me at that time. She suggested me to sign up for Toastmasters International (TI). For those who don`t know, Toastmasters is designed to help members improve their communication, public speaking, leadership skills, and it operates worldwide. The organization gives you a chance to develop your skills and to build your network. The sign-up process is easy, just look for clubs in the DMV area that you are interested in and contact their representatives. Attend a session and then if you like the club, enroll. You don’t need to do anything besides attending the event. At that time, I enrolled for the IMF and the World Bank chapters because that is what interested me; it helped me meet the right people and to get information about the interview process before going to real interviews. It takes time to build relationships and to collect information for different opportunities but it is worthwhile. This is just one of the tips I learned by going to the Career Center events and it still serves me- even though I graduated, I am still meeting new people and making new connections.

I found my job after a graduation through a recruiter who later secured me a job. I worked for a high-profile private equity firm, based in Washington, DC. Unfortunately, my 1-year OPT had finished and my employer couldn’t sponsor my work visa due to the long process. In the end, because of my work ethic, they referred me to their Dubai partners and I received a job there. Basically what let me to this opportunity was a good profile (CV), hard work, good recommendations, and connections.

This year is my 3rd year working in Dubai; it is a great city to live and work. I love my job and currently, I work in the Investment in Aviation industry, at the International AirFinance Corporation (IAFC). As a Senior Manager, I am responsible for investor relations, marketing & PR; I report directly to the CEO and I am in charge of keeping communications with internal and external stakeholders at a high-level standard. In addition, I organize marketing presentations and investment roadshows internationally and in collaboration with the executive team while supervising the marketing communications strategies and establishing and developing media relationships.

FXUA has impacted my personal and professional life in a positive way and has helped me identify and develop my skills and expertise.

Studying in the US gives you a chance for better job opportunities abroad. What I liked about FXUA is it provides you with quality education, good facilities, and location to DC; it provides opportunities for students to live, study, and internships and/or jobs in the DC area; many international organizations and IT companies are located in the city and surrounding areas. FXUA is a good investment for pursuing your degree.

Anastasia Dorokhina
MBA in International Business Management 2011
Senior Manager at International AirFinance Corporation (IAFC), Dubai

Diana Gogoshvili, MBA 2015

I came to the United States for the first time with my mother when I was 17. I was surprised by the international culture here and people’s attitudes towards each other. After my initial visit, I had a dream to study and earn my master’s degree in the US. Fairfax University of America attracted me because of its affordable tuition, great location, and diversity. It also offered my desired MBA program with an International Business Management concentration. My overall experience at FXUA was very positive and interesting; it gave me best friends, interesting classes, and a great education.

Following my studies at Fairfax University of America, in December of 2015 I started looking for a job. My major goal was to find a position within the business, hotel management, marketing, or insurance fields. In February 2016, I joined an insurance agency called Prestige Insurance Services as a customer service representative. Recently, I was promoted to Account Manager. One of my main responsibilities is to provide customers with the most appropriate insurance plan and make sure they fully understand the coverages. In addition to this, I foresee the possibility of risks in each case and help clients make a claim in the event of any loss. The most important part for me is to be helpful to our customers and meet their expectations. The biggest advantage to this position is getting to work with a diverse group of customers, all of which represent different nationalities and cultures. At work, I speak both Russian and English to our clients.

My education at FXUA helped me improve my communication skills, which is an essential requirement for every job seeker in the United States. Secondly, by conducting various kinds of research at school, I gained valuable skills and knowledge for my future work in business. I also had the chance to participate in different events and activities at FXUA, which encouraged me to meet with students from different countries and learn from their perspectives.

I urge future graduates to start thinking about their career paths in advance. It is very important to start gaining experience through internships while you are studying. Volunteer at FXUA and outside of school; it motivates you to get outside of your comfort zone and gain life experiences.

Diana Gogoshvili
MBA in International Business Management 2015
Prestige Insurance Services, Virginia

Nanda K. Gollu, MCS 2015

Don’t avoid something because you think it is “too hard” until you’ve tried it for long enough to know for sure.

The FXUA experience was a novel one, an extremely satisfying voyage loaded with good and bad times, yet with an extraordinary result. Learning at FXUA was the initial move toward accomplishment, as acquiring my MS in Computer Science cleared the path for me. In every class I was developing my technical and interpersonal skills, getting more exposure to real-life situations, and preparing myself for the job market.

Q: Where are you working now, and what position or job responsibilities do you have?
A: I am currently working on a federal project with the Department of Education as a SharePoint administrator. My responsibilities include installing, configuring, maintaining, upgrading, and managing a SharePoint server farm.

The company deals with configuring all service applications like search, metadata, user profile synchronization, and creation of a content database that involves maintenance of various logging databases in SQL Server. Compressing of logging databases is also done by SharePoint administrators since they grow in size considerably. I also assign proper permission levels for all users of the site as well as configure anonymous access as required.

Q: As a graduate, what advice would you like to convey to all the current students of FXUA?
A: Don’t be hesitant about being curious.  Ask questions.  Try things.  Learn new ideas. Add new skills.  Don’t ever stop asking “Why?” and “How?”  Take electives that aren’t required.  It is important to learn your limits (and expand them), as well as to learn what you like to do and don’t like to do.  Don’t avoid something because you think it is “too hard” until you’ve tried it for long enough to know for sure.

Q: Finally, could you share a memorable moment from your FXUA life with us?
A: For me, it’s not a matter of one single great memory that stands out.  My best memories from FXUA are those of deep technology discussions, both inside and outside the classroom, such as those with my professors and with my friends. Another memorable moment was serving as the Student Union President in the year 2014-2015. Helping and solving student issues and organizing welcome parties for the new students was a wonderful experience.

Nanda K. Gollu
MS in Computer Science, 2015
SharePoint Administrator
Avian Tek Columbia, MD