Anastasia Sudarikova, MBA 2015

Looking back now, I understand how significantly I changed and developed during my two years studying for my MBA at FXUA. I had experience and a bachelor’s degree in IT. The field of business was completely new to me, and because of FXUA I discovered that I am both a technically- and business-minded thinker. FXUA didn’t limit my education to just business courses, so I combined both technology and business in my studies and wrote my thesis on technology in supply chain management. Making many presentations and working in teams with classmates from diverse countries gave me an invaluable skill set which I use every day at my current job.

I recently received a job offer from Manhattan Associates, a global company and one of the market leaders in supply chain management software solutions. I work in the customer support department where I have direct interaction with customers who need support with our unique warehouse management system; I address everything from post implementation issues resolution to system upgrades and modification according to client business needs. The position itself is challenging and keeps me thinking and learning as technology develops quickly.

I will never forget FXUA: my last day of class, my last group presentation, participating in the Miss FXUA beauty pageant, Chef’s Café, the Pender building, and Dr. Ross’s smile. I love the way he greets students. As a business student, he makes you feel that you are the smartest, most special student at FXUA. His talent is to inspire a crowd.

I would advise current FXUA students to create their own brand. Perform the SWOT analysis of your brand. Identify your strength and weaknesses. React accordingly: emphasize your benefits and improve where you feel you need to. Don’t forget to stick with the area in which you have decided to develop yourself. Attend related classes and professional networking events. Set goals! Track your progress! Visualize! Always ask yourself if you are on the right track and where you want to be after a graduation.

Anastasia Sudarikova, MBA in Global Logistics 2015
Support Consultant 
Manhattan Associates 
Atlanta, GA

Aziza Mirkhanova, MA in TESOL 2015

Aziza Mirkhanova, MA in TESOL 2015

FXUA opened my eyes to a world of intellectual wonder and stimulation. Unlike other graduate programs that I considered before coming to FXUA, I was duly impressed with the breadth of instruction and consistency in mission – to learn from experienced and caring instructors who cared only about my success as both a student and an individual.

Most specifically, I realized during my tenure here that becoming a TESOL professional was a huge responsibility because it allows me to positively impact the lives of those around me, irrespective of their social economic circumstance, gender, orientation, or cultural make up. In my current role as Library Coordinator at FXUA’s Library, I find myself sharing with students and peers those qualities that distinguish a FXUA TESOL graduate from graduates from outside FXUA.

When it comes to my fondest FXUA memories, one thing comes to mind: the feeling of completeness that only comes when you walk across that stage with your family and friends in full support and knowing that you are prepared for whatever life throws at you.  You are ready and you are eager to take on the responsibility of helping prepare the next generation of FXUA graduates.  In short, this is my legacy.

My suggestion to aspiring TESOL graduate students is simple:  do your homework, literally and figuratively.  Remember, we are a world community and what you learn here should forever positively impact all those around you.  You carry a responsibility to yourself, your family, your peers, and those who aspire to be a successful FXUA graduate.

Aziza Mirkhanova, MA in TESOL 2015
Fairfax University of America
Virginia, USA

Houssem Eddine Djida, MBA 2011

Houssem Eddine Djida, MBA 2011

Q: How was your overall experience with FXUA? How did the education you received here help you reach your goals and career path?
A: The FXUA experience was a unique one, a very fulfilling journey filled with ups and downs, yet with a great outcome. Studying at FXUA was the first step toward success, as obtaining my MBA paved road for me. Class after class, I was deepening my business knowledge, getting more exposed to real life scenarios and experiences, and getting ready to face the job market.

Q: Where are you working now, and what position or job responsibilities do you have?
A: I am working at the same company that hired me straight after graduating from FXUA; the company provides various insurance, risk management, and financial services to a wide range of clients (individuals, businesses, and diplomatic missions). Currently, my title is Assistant Vice President and my focus is on diplomatic missions (I got assigned to the embassies and diplomatic missions department from day one, given the fact that my concentration at FXUA was international business management). My responsibility is to manage the clients’ insurance and financial portfolios and to work toward cementing the existing relationships between my company and the various embassies while also working on enlarging our book of business.

Q: As a graduate, what advice would you like to convey to all the current students of FXUA?
A: There are plenty of things that one can do to ensure his/her success while studying at FXUA, but I will only focus on two: believe in yourself and network smartly. It goes without saying that one can’t move forward if he lacks the determination and the strong belief that he will get to the goals he is meant to get to. Only this belief will keep you going! The second advice is not only to network, but also to do it smartly. Indeed, you can’t just turn toward everybody you come across and try to establish some sort of connection with them; rather, networking should be done in carefully chosen places and times while targeting key people.

Q: Finally, could you share a memorable moment from FXUA life with us?
A: I personally will never forget my entrance or my exit from FXUA. When I first got to FXUA, it was the first time I was exposed to people from different backgrounds and cultures, and little by little I found it to be a very enriching experience that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to get elsewhere. Likewise, graduation day was a glorious one; one on which you see all your efforts come to a positive outcome while sharing the joy of it with your family and loved ones. Graduation day was simply epic!

Houssem Eddine Djida, MBA 2011
Assistant Vice President
Virginia, USA

Aziza Mirkhanova

I come from a historical town in Uzbekistan called Bukhara. Growing up in this wonderful, oriental city that was always filled with foreign tourists, I was fascinated with the English language and how it easily connects people from all over the world. I dreamt of one day learning English and teaching it. However, the path to this dream was not straightforward. My mother’s side of the family is comprised of several generations of librarians. So, I followed in the footsteps of my mother and became a librarian. I liked what I was doing but there was something missing. I had an opportunity to study English language in a language institution in the DC area and that’s how I came to learn about FXUA. However, before deciding to pursue graduate studies, I spent a few months in Turkey working with refugees and providing translation services. I came to see the increased opportunities and advantages for refugees who spoke English. This experience reinforced my intention to pursue a graduate degree at FXUA focusing on TESOL.

I am really fond of FXUA, not only for the caliber of professors and support staff but also because of such a cosmopolitan and friendly environment this university offers to students. The TESOL program in particular is outstanding, and over the past months of studying I am very proud of the knowledge I have acquired and the friendships I have built with fellow students. I feel at home at FXUA and I am happy to know that I am on the path to fulfill my dream and passion of teaching English to the most vulnerable people in the world.

Aziza Mirkhanova, Alumna, MA in TESOL

Haider Semaisim

Studying my Masters in Applied Linguistics in the School of Education at FXUA prepared me to become an active contributor to the field as a future teacher and researcher. The comprehensive curriculum equipped me with the theoretical and practical knowledge of the field. I feel extremely lucky to have studied under the dedicated faculty in the SED. The program not only prepared me for how to become a future teacher/researcher, it also made me explore new personal horizons and honed my intellectual and analytical abilities. Thank you to the SED and FXUA! I am very proud and privileged to have studied here as a graduate student.

Haider Semaisim, Alumnus, MS in Applied Linguistics

ان دراسة الماجستير في علم اللسانيات التطبيقية في كلية التربية/ جامعة فرجينيا الدولية حضرتني لكي اكون مشاركا فعالا في مجال دراستي، وهذا يشمل مجاليَ التدريس و البحث. ان التصميم الشامل للمنهج الدراسي قد صمم بعناية فائقة لتحفيز و تجهيز الدارسين بمعرفة المجال على المستويين النظري و العملي. اعتبر نفسي، صدقاً، بأنني محظوظ جدا لأنني حظيت بفرصة الدراسة تحت اعضاء الهيئة التدريسية لكلية التربية. ان البرنامج لم يحضرني لأكون تدريسياً او باحثاً مستقبلياً فقط، بل جعلني استكشف آفاق شخصية جديدة كما و شحذ قدراتي الفكرية و التحليلية. شكرا لكلية التربية/ جامعة فرجينيا الدولية، انا فخور لأنني شاركت في الامتياز، الذي هو كوني احد خريجيك.

حيدر سميسم
ماجستير في علم اللسانيات التطبيقية

Mauge Tapia Escobar

Enrolling in FXUA must be the best decision I ever made. This university has provided me the opportunity to grow not only as a professional but as a person as well. FXUA has a multicultural environment and all students network with people from different countries every day; this helped me gain radically different perspectives on life. Without a doubt, FXUA faculty never cease to amaze me. I had the opportunity to work with excellent professionals that are masters in their fields. TESOL professors are outstanding when it comes to preparing activities and setting goals.

Enrolling at FXUA was very easy. They had the confidence in my potential and even more importantly they recognized my scholastic achievements. The demand for ESL professionals in Bolivia is greater than ever before, and upon completion of this program I am sure I will have a solid linguistic and pedagogic base to make an important difference in an ESL/EFL classroom in my country.

Maria “Mauge” Tapia Escobar, Alumna, MA in TESOL

Vega Beloqui Ortiz

After 3 years of thinking about it, I finally made up my mind: I wanted to go on with my studies even though I had finished my degree 14 years ago. What took me so long? Well… Apart from my full time job, my husband, my two kids (8 and 6)… Simple: I was afraid. Afraid of not being able to finish what I began. I started looking for what I wanted to study and I could only find it at Fairfax University of America. No other country, no other state, no other university had exactly what I wanted. Some others have a Masters in TESOL, but the courses in this program are really enriching. Trust me,

I´ve been teaching English as a Foreign Language for 14 years so I know what I’m talking about! Studying online in an American university while living in Spain was really challenging for me, but everybody at FXUA made it so easy and they really helped me throughout the whole application process. My biggest concern was money. FXUA is one of the most affordable universities I found, but compared to Spanish ones it was still out of my reach. They told me I could apply for the Career Online Scholarship and I didn´t give it much credit, to be honest, but I tried anyway. To my surprise they replied in a few weeks saying I had been awarded a scholarship! I´m about to finish my second course of the Masters and I´m so glad I decided to start this adventure. It makes me happy to see I can pursue my dreams without taking time from my family or work. With a little organization and the help of my professors, everything is turning out perfect! I´m so motivated and engaged in the course now that there´s no doubt the Masters is bringing out the best in me.

Vega Beloqui Ortiz, Alumna, MA in TESOL

Después de pensar en ello durante tres años, por fin tomé la decisión: quería continuar con mis estudios a pesar de haber terminado la carrera 14 años atrás. ¿Por qué tardé tanto en decidirme? Bueno… a parte de mis diez horas de trabajo al día, mi marido, mis dos hijos de 8 y 6 años… Fácil: tenía miedo. Miedo no ser capaz de lograrlo. Empecé a mirar lo que quería estudiar y sólo pude encontrarlo en Fairfax University of America. En ningún otro país, en ningún otro estado ni en ninguna otra universidad pude encontrar exactamente lo que quería. Creedme; llevo catorce años enseñando en inglés y se de lo que hablo. Estudiar online en una universidad americana supuso un gran reto para mí, pero todo el personal me ayudó mucho durante el proceso de solicitud y de inscripción. Mi mayor preocupación era el dinero. FXUA es una de las universidades más asequibles que encontré aunque, comparada con las universidades españoles, todavía estaba muy por encima de mis posibilidades. Me animaron a solicitar una beca (Career Online Scholarship). No estaba muy convencida pero lo intenté de todas formas. Para mi sorpresa, en unas pocas semanas me contestaron: ¡me habían concedido una beca de 2.000 dólares! Estoy a punto de terminar el primer año del Master y estoy encantada de haber iniciado esta aventura. Me hace feliz ver que puedo perseguir mis sueños sin quitarles tiempo a mi familia o a mi trabajo. Con un poco de organización y la ayuda de mis profesores, todo termina saliendo de la forma esperada. Estoy muy motivada e implicada en el curso. Creo que el Master está sacando lo mejor de mí.

Vega Beloqui Ortiz, Alumna, MA in TESOL

Islom Boynazarov

As an international student, I chose Fairfax University of America for two reasons: first, I wanted to experience the university’s diverse cultural atmosphere; second, I wanted to become a more experienced professional in my career – teaching English to the speakers of other languages (TESOL). My two years in the MA in TESOL program at FXUA has been truly memorable, and I never regret having made the decision to complete my master’s degree at this university.

When I reflect on my time at Fairfax University of America, I see that I have been able not only to improve my skills in teaching but also gain a deep understanding of theories in the second language acquisition process. Through lessons with incredibly supportive professors, I was challenged to discover a voice that I didn’t know I had. The knowledge and experience I had at FXUA gave me confidence, which serves as an internal force to drive my career further to be able to teach English successfully.

Having been educated in a supportive environment at FXUA, I found myself able to understand the second language acquisition process inside out and am ready to put this knowledge into practice. With carefully-chosen textbooks and small group lessons, I became familiar with recent research theories. Through challenging me, my professors have helped me to develop my own critical thinking ability. It was incredibly useful to learn about different aspects of the teaching field and to connect these practices with modern informational technology.

Also, I benefited from the real-life teaching practice in the practicum class at FXUA. I was given a tremendous opportunity to work with competent ESL instructors to observe their lessons and learn teaching techniques under their supervision. It was a great experience to teach culturally diverse ESL students at FXUA. It was incredibly beneficial in terms of developing my professional teaching.

Moreover, we were exposed innumerable workshops, festivals, student activities and “Voices from the Field” talks. This was another awesome opportunity given by FXUA, we gained more valuable knowledge about new achievements in our field of expertise. Through my coursework, I conducted several research case-studies on different aspects of second language acquisition, which I was able to display at FXUA’s Academic Showcase to the FXUA community and guests.

Having completed my MA in TESOL at FXUA, I am excited to go back to my home country – Uzbekistan, to deliver my knowledge to teach the younger generation. By teaching English in my country, I will create a great opportunity for my students to become knowledgeable and see the world. I express my endless gratitude for my mentors who helped me to find who actually I am.

Islom Boynazarov, Alumnus, MA in TESOL

Christie Mambounou

Fairfax University of America has opened the door to diversity. As an MBA student, it is critical to interact with people from many different backgrounds (races, religions, etc.) because this enables you to view and analyze problems from several different perspectives, an ability that enriches your business skills. By hosting students from more than 50 nations on its campus, FXUA has enabled me to collaborate with brilliant students, which has broadened my problem-solving skills and given me an edge in the competitive workforce.

Christie Mambounou
Alumni, Master of Business Administration

Camilla Tashira

An Interview by Ariunaa Dashtsogt

This interview features FXUA student, Camilla Tashira. Camilla is from Brazil and has been studying for about a year at FXUA. Camilla would like to continue her studies at FXUA under the International Business Certificate Program. Camilla was very happy to talk, while we gained some perspective on her life. Likewise, I was happy to interview Camilla for “Student Voices”.

FXUA: Camilla, since you began studying at FXUA in January 2011, how much has your life changed?

CT: I have never actually thought about this. Obviously, many things have changed in my individual life … I believe that I have become stronger compared to who I was at the beginning. For example, my family always cooked and took care of me, but here everything was completely different from what I had before. When I came here, I was faced with uncomfortable situations, such as cultural shock. Though, despite any difficulty I faced when I arrived in the USA, today I am happy that I am experiencing student life in America. Living abroad is just amazing, now I have already learned such things as how to cook, spend money, and live independently. Moreover, the most important thing is that my mother is proud of me for studying at FXUA, in the USA.

FXUA: I am glad to hear this! Studying in America, do you find it important for students to improve their English levels in order to refine their experience?

CT: Here is the thing: first of all, I had studied five years of English, in Brazil. Unfortunately I did not learn anything! After I chose to attend FXUA, my English language barrier is greatly changed. My first semester here, I took an Intermediate ESL class at FXUA. Now I am studying in the College Prep level which is helping me to prepare myself for the Academic Level. In the beginning, I could not understand everything that people were saying in the classroom, on the streets, metro, and more. But now everything is totally different – I understand English so much better. Still, I know that my English needs some serious improvement, and it takes time. But I know that studying at FXUA has really made a difference in my English skills. If I were in Brazil, I couldn’t speak and write as well as I do today. So, I am completely sure that people can gain competent knowledge from the amazing and powerful professors of FXUA.

Secondly, I talk with my peers, instructors, and the others in only English. I mean, in the class, at home, and in the metro and bus I just speak, read, and watch everything in English. It has been worthwhile studying at FXUA, I have gained much experience and refined my English. As a result, the experience that FXUA students gain during their time here is unparalleled. FXUA’s small class sizes allow professors to devote more individual attention to each student and make education more interactive by increasing student participation.

FXUA: How did you choose FXUA? Were there any special opportunities you received by choosing FXUA?

CT: Brazil has many agencies of education affairs and they suggested that I take a look at FXUA. Agency officials said that “Nowadays Brazilian students have been choosing FXUA very often. There are many kinds of courses to choose from, including international business, marketing management, human resources,” and so on. They also pointed out that, “if you are unable to take the TOEFL exam, you can enroll in FXUA’s ESL program before attending undergraduate and graduate programs. FXUA has a five-level ESL programs beginning at the elementary level.” I was really happy to hear this, because at that time I had no TOEFL score.

Also, I liked FXUA’s location, just minutes away from Washington, DC. This means students have great opportunities to gain experience through internships and employment in a variety of industries around the DC Metropolitan Area. I am satisfied with the school’s classrooms, atmosphere, location, and quality of curriculum and instructors.

FXUA: Do like to study with the diversity students at FXUA?

CT: FXUA is a truly unique place where you can meet and become friends with students from 60 different countries. I have made many friends from all over the world, and we have had a good time. This allows students to broaden social networks while experiencing a multicultural environment all at once. FXUA is devoted to delivering a warm atmosphere where students can feel at home. FXUA students are very friendly, help each another, and know about the types of problems that will be faced by international students. I mean, we are all facing the same problems, such as missing family, culture shock, and adjusting to living in a new environment. If I studied in other, larger universities, I would meet more Americans, who may not care that I am an international student and couldn’t relate to the tough situations I face.

FXUA: How do you travel to school? Have you had difficulty with transportation to and from FXUA?

CT: Public transportation is very useful here. Students who live a little farther away from our University, might actually have their own car. I have faced no difficulties in transportation, because the bus always comes on time. I read that FXUA is located in one of the safest and most tranquil places to reside in the United States. Like me, many of my peers have great opportunities to discover and learn about American history and cultures while visiting magnificent historical places and living in a healthy environment and use public transportation to do so. When you come here, you will feel and see it all, I promise you! Don’t forget that this is a big part of why you came to the United States!

FXUA: What is your best memory of school? I mean, do you have any favorite stories from FXUA?

CT: Yes, I do. Actually, FXUA offers small-sized classes, which allow for individual attention between students and professors. Students have the opportunity to meet with academically qualified and professionally experienced professors in order to gain high-quality education. As I mentioned before, Brazilian students of FXUA usually want to meet and have fun together. So, it takes me to memories in my country. For example, last month I went to a Brazilian party in DC. There people spoke Portuguese and danced to Brazilian music. It was almost like being home.

FXUA: People might say that soccer is a symbol of Brazil. What else do you think defines your country?

CT: Yes. Our soccer team is very good! In addition to soccer, the Carnival is one of the famous symbols of Brazil. Everybody comes out to the streets for Carnival, which is held each year in February. Music is played and people dance the Samba. Even if things aren’t going well in their life, the Brazilian people like to smile and enjoys themselves. I think it’s a very important issue for our society.

FXUA: What are your future plans?

CT: I know how the time flies. For example, I cannot believe that I have almost been here for a year already. I plan to go back Brazil when I graduate. After that, I want to come back to America to travel. I want to visit California and Florida.

FXUA: Do you have any advice for the new and future students of FXUA? Maybe they will gain important advice from you?

CT: I just want to say “Don’t forget why you came to America.” It is very important. Some people think ‘I came to the US, so now everything is fine.” Just keep studying and never give up. Try to learn new skills and focus on improving your English. If you face culture shock or any kind of difficult situations please share your feelings with one another, including me. Be strong and be responsible to yourself. Always remember your dreams and goals. The employees of FXUA and students can help, understand, and support you while you are studying at FXUA. You are not alone here!

FXUA: Thank you so much for your time. I hope that students at FXUA, even new and future students can gain some useful information from your experience!

CT: All of you enjoy your time for Christmas and New Year. I wish you success in your studies during your new semester. I wish all the best for everybody that belongs to FXUA, and as I said: “Never give up!”

Camilla Tashira