Susann Wieczorek

FXUA is an amazing place to study! This university offers so much diversity and opportunity for students. We have been given the opportunity to earn scholarships and to gain valuable work experience in different positions on campus during our time at FXUA.

As the Assistant to the School of English Language Studies, I have been able to see first-hand how quickly our students can improve their English language skills. Our ESL program not only teaches students the English language, but also gives them the opportunity to socialize during school-sponsored events like the ESL Potluck and field trips to places like Washington, DC museums and monuments.

In addition to working on campus, I have also been taking classes full-time in order to finish my BBA in International Business. I was lucky enough to receive a scholarship, that has encouraged me to study harder and be even more involved at the university. The FXUA website shows that scholarships are available for everybody, whether you are incredibly smart, talented in a specific are, involved socially, or simply because you come from another part of the world! This is a rare find.

While studying at FXUA, I have had the privilege to work with students from different backgrounds, which helps me better understand what diversity means and how useful it will be in the future. I have made many friends from all over the world and received an excellent education from diverse and experienced faculty. By making the decision to study at FXUA, you can take advantage of the same opportunities!

Susann Wieczorek

Kola Bakare

I am in my final semester as a Business Administration student at FXUA. It has been a great experience that I will live to remember. During my time at FXUA I was fortunate enough to be the President of the African Pride Club, which gave me the opportunity to learn more about other people, countries, and cultures. I, myself, come from a country with diverse cultures and when I arrived at FXUA, I found the same characteristics and environment. It has truly made my academic pursuit a positive and fulfilling experience. The open door policy of the faculty, as well as close relationships and interactive engagement between students makes it easy to grasp knowledge.

I have also been fortunate to work as an assistant in the FXUA library for more than a year of my stay in the school. This has given me the opportunity of acquiring first-hand knowledge of the American work ethic. I was also given a tuition discount for working on campus – I cannot emphasize enough how this helped me reduce the financial strain of paying for my education. Upon returning home, I hope to remain in contact with the school and keep this positive relationship going as an alumnus.

My advice for prospective students would be to come prepared with your academic and professional goals and to focus on your academic plan. There are student advisors, counselors, and department chairs who are ready and available to help you attain all of your goals.

I also suggest that you browse the FXUA website often and take advantage of all opportunities available to you – especially the scholarship opportunities. For example, I took the TOEFL test and was awarded a scholarship of $500.00! Your chances might of getting a higher amount is there – work for it and don’t give up!

Kola Bakare
Alumni, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration

Bhagyashree Kulkarni

For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to earn a Master of Business Administration. The hard part was deciding in which phase of my life I would resume my education. A gap year from my work made me more aware of my life’s goals, and helped me develop the path to get where I want to be. I was finally ready to begin the process of earning my MBA.

When deciding on a university I was sure to take advice from those who knew me best, but recently I have come to realize that there is only one opinion that matters – and that is your own. Deciding to take admission at FXUA was not a decision I entered into lightly. The most important factors for me were location, cost, and the quality of education. FXUA had all these factors and also provided another important feature – cross-cultural knowledge. I was also awarded a scholarship for both my academic semesters while studying at FXUA, which has only made my experience here easier.

Throughout your school experience, friends and family will be sure to give you a great deal of advice on classes, money, friends and relationships – but think about your decisions. Developing good social at FXUA will benefit you in the real world. School is not about cramming for tests and spitting the information back out. It is about retaining actual knowledge that you can use when you are no longer in the classroom.

At FXUA you will not be seeing the same people day after day, but will be exposed to a wide variety of people from different family backgrounds, cultures, and countries! FXUA provides us with a great opportunity to learn about the world, and you will find that you have things in common with the people you least expect here at FXUA!

Bhagyashree Kulkarni
Alumni, Master of Business Administration

Anton Onishchenko

FXUA is a great place for someone who is interested in cultural diversity, religions and thinking. It is a small place where international knowledge is concentrated and yet a big school of life.
It was always my dream to study in the United States, and to know more about the world and cultures around the globe. FXUA has made this dream possible. The diversity of visions and cultures that FXUA has will help me in my future personal and professional life. We must learn how to understand each other, no matter how different we are and this is what FXUA teaches the best.

I am working as a Graphic Design Assistant at FXUA and the benefits that the university gives to the staff are very important for me. I am benefitting from a tuition fee discount as a student staff member, and am applying for a tuition scholarship to cut the price even more. If I am awarded a scholarship, it shows that my potential and skills were recognized among the faculty and staff of FXUA, which describes me as a successful student. This helps me to move towards knowledge, but also makes me happy to believe that everything I am working towards is not in vain.

I hope to pursue a career in Project Management or to start my own business in publishing after graduating from FXUA. The knowledge I am gaining with each new course makes me more and more confident in my future success. The best memories that I have gained in my time at FXUA center around my friends and group projects. The experiences we have at FXUA are better than I can even describe. The faculty members have made every one of my days at FXUA worth living as well!

Anton Onishchenko
Alumni, MBA in International Finance

Faculty Profile: Dr. Victoria Ashiru

have been experiencing great moments since joining the FXUA Faculty in the Fall 2011 semester. I have felt right at home from the first time I walked through the doors of FXUA’s Pender Drive Campus. There is an open friendliness and professionalism that makes FXUA a truly remarkable place to be. I enjoy the small class sizes, as they afford me opportunity to interact with all students.

The diversity of students at FXUA is a great asset and one of the reasons I like it here so much. I have had the privilege of working in multinational organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington DC (with 188 nationals) and the Commonwealth Secretariat in London, England (with 54 nationals). So you can understand my excitement about the diversity in FXUA. It is what I am used to and I enjoy meeting people from different parts of the world. I applaud our international students. They are not letting the fact that they are so far away from home deter them in any way. They remain focused, expectant, hard working, and very committed to their educational goals.

I can proudly say that FXUA is like one big family. You walk along the corridors and everyone has some kind of cheerfulness about them. The Faculty and staff operate an open door policy, which is rare in much larger universities. I make it a point to know not only the students’ educational goals but also any hindrances toward those goals and see how I could assist or refer them to the right channel.

Even though our students are now in the United States, it may be difficult to fully accept or even understand a different culture. I will encourage our students to be more interactive; to speak up; ask questions; and to feel free to speak with their professors about any academic challenges. I have very high expectations of our students because I want them to be fearless in the real world irrespective of their nationality. Language must never be a barrier to success. Students’ involvement and engagement is very important in the classroom.

Students are so far from home and for most of them, being here in the United States is the first time ever separating from their families. Other challenges include different culture, struggling with the English language, networking, and proper exposure. I am excited about all the new programs introduced this summer and I believe there more programs to come. At such, there will be continued expansion in enrollment. We are also hoping to be in a position to bring in more local students, so they too can be partakers of the benefits of studying in FXUA. So for FXUA, the best is yet to come!

Dr. Victoria Ashiru:
School of Business

Tarun Reddy Guduru

I am extremely happy to share my view regarding my time here at FXUA. Studying at FXUA has been a remarkable experience. I have encountered diversity and culture in such a way that I have gained knowledge while understanding different cultures and working with different people that come from different countries. FXUA has small sized classes, which makes it possible for students to work one-on-one with the professor, enhancing a higher concentration on many aspects of the class material and subject of study.

It is a great opportunity to study abroad for a student in my position. It allows you the chance to study in a different culture and far away from your family which teaches you to be independent and practical. Such experiences have raised an immense practical exposure towards my course work as well as in the betterment of my IT skills. FXUA has been an excellent part of my journey because this is the place where I am accomplishing a dream – studying Computer Science in United States.

I am one of the fortunate students that works at FXUA as a library assistant. FXUA provides excellent benefits to student staff which aids us in tuition rate discounts. The Professors at FXUA are highly qualified in their areas of interest. The quality teaching by our professors make students understand the concepts better, while in a very diverse environment. Diversity is a great spirit at FXUA, where students from many nations to collaborate in studying together. As we have students coming from different parts of the world it makes student life fun.

I was one among the list of individuals who were awarded a scholarship because I had excellent academic scores and FXUA was generous enough to award a $2,000.00 scholarship towards my tuition, for which I am grateful. New students can apply for a scholarship on the FXUA website. It’s quick and easy. In a nutshell, FXUA has taught international students that challenges have solutions. FXUA makes what seems impossible, possible, especially when it comes to making our dreams come true. My long term goal is to get an internship in one of the Fortune 500 companies.

Tarun Reddy Guduru
Alumni, Master of Computer Science

Faculty Profile: Bonnie Wolfe

Teaching at FXUA is truly wonderful for so many reasons. But the very best experience is sitting in the audience during the annual graduation ceremony and watching my students receive their diplomas.

It is the student diversity at FXUA that makes the University so successful. A student can come from any country in the world, with any background, and learn. At FXUA, the student will have a chance to reach their full potential.

I admire the international students at FXUA. They have a lot of drive and ambition. It is this determination that will make them successful in the future.

I like remembering all the students I have had over the years. Many of them are now my Facebook friends and I can see where they are living in the world today, the kinds of jobs they have, and for some, photos of their spouse and their young children.

My advice is to take full advantage of your experience at FXUA. We are located minutes from Washington, DC, where there are many international organizations and opportunities to network. Meet as many people as you can while you are here. Participate in as many activities as possible. Do not waste a minute.

I want students to come to class prepared and ready to learn. We have a lot of group discussions in my classroom where we share ideas and ask questions. That is the best way to learn. The most obvious challenges are the language and the culture. In addition to that, I think many students find the open environment style of learning different from the way they studied at home.

I began teaching at FXUA in 2006. Since that time I have watched the University grow and expand. I expect FXUA will continue to grow and expand adding new areas of study both on-the-ground and online.

Bonnie Wolfe:
School of Business

Ricardo Abella

FXUA is proud to announce that our MBA Student, Ricardo Abella has earned his Project Management Professional (PMP) Certification from the Project Management Institute (PMI). Consequently, Ricardo becomes one of the two students at FXUA who are certified as a PMP. PMI is known as a dominant organization with over 600,000 members and operates in approximately 185 countries in the world. FXUA is honored to congratulate Mr. Abella on behalf of our student body for his demonstrated experience, knowledge and performance in achieving this certification.

Many people ask me if the process of earning my PMP Certification was difficult – the answer is yes!  It was hard, costly and challenging. Earning the certification was not only costly in terms of money, time, or effort, but was especially taxing in terms of discipline, resilience and attitude. I have successfully managed projects for more than 10 years and had significant experience in dealing with projects, people and constraints. Throughout my career I had learned to combine my experience, my instinct, and my networking skills. However, I believe there are several reasons people should consider getting their PMP certification.

Your decision about taking this test will depend on your personal motivations, professional goals and career objectives. First and foremost, if the term “project management” is involved in your career, getting your PMP Certification should be on your must-do list, for numerous reasons:

  • Preparing for the test will expose you to mainstream thinking about project management standards, techniques, best practices and current trends in the field of project management.
  • You will learn creative new techniques to assist you in your project management activities.
  • The certification can bolster a resume and perhaps place you ahead of a job candidate with similar experience who does not have the certification.
  • The credential can certainly make it easier to find a job as a project or program manager. While it does not guarantee you a job, there are many employers who require PMP-Certified applicants.
  • The PMP Certification is a global credential which gives you credibility as a project manager across the globe.

And yet, if project management is not your career path, I would still suggest that you consider getting your certification. By doing so:

  • You will realize that most of the tasks we undertake as leaders and in our personal lives can be understood as projects.
  • You will improve your organizational skills significantly – I certainly found this to be the case.
  • An individual will be able to demonstrate that they have a certain amount of knowledge and education in the project management field. While this credential does not necessarily prove that you are a good project manager or that you will succeed in this field, it does indicate your seriousness and understanding of the subject matter.
  • PMI Certificate Holders gain access to new networking opportunities including project management events. This professional certification will serve as an icebreaker and an excellent tool for impressing interviewers, colleagues and friends.
  • Finally, you can set yourself apart from other professionals. Gaining this certification illustrates personal drive to further your credentials, knowledge and professional abilities.

Ricardo Abella Sarmiento
Alumni, International Business Management

Chimeuma Opuwari

When choosing a graduate program, I wanted to find an environment where I have the opportunity to meet people from different countries and get to appreciate life as they do. FXUA has given me this opportunity while experiencing multicultural environment at once. I remember my first days at the university; I was quite nervous and homesick. I came to class one of those days and fear that I appeared very moody. On this day, my professor Dr. Marietta Bradinova noticed that something was not right and gave me a hug. This simple gesture made me feel at home and lifted me up. My experience shows that FXUA is a very friendly environment where a student’s concern becomes everyone’s concern. We are a big family.

I am developing stronger ties with many of my peers and I have chance to work closer with the faculty and staff members as an assistant of Library. I do not feel like I am competing to be one of the best students at FXUA, but rather like I am working together with my peers to be a better team.

FXUA is strategically located close to the nation’s capital which gives students the opportunity to get a lot of internships from renowned firms here. I feel that education is “learning to learn” and our university is the right place to do so, as you get the opportunity to learn from a very diverse population. FXUA is also very affordable, allowing you gain a great education, knowledge and experience at FXUA for a fraction of the cost of other institutions.

When I graduate from FXUA, I am planning to go back to my home country and apply all I have learned here in any organization I work for or will own in the future. One thing I can say definitively is that my future is bright because of FXUA.

Chimeuma Opuwari
Alumni, MBA in Human Resource

Ariunjargal Tsogtbayar

I am proud to say that FXUA has had a positive influence on my life. At the beginning of the year, I was looking for chance to enroll in an MBA or certificate program at FXUA. I came to the University as an international student from Mongolia, not fluent in English. FXUA offered me the opportunity to enroll in English as a Second Language (ESL) courses to improve my academic writing skills. The ESL program greatly helped me to learn more about American culture and society and to build various connections at once.

One thing I like the most about FXUA is the affordable tuition rates. Students are offered flexible payment plans which are helpful for my personal finances as an international student. I also chose FXUA because of the flexibility of the course options and convenience.

I can strongly say that FXUA is a great place to study. As an international student, living far away from my home country and family, I do not always have someone to guide me through this University process, but the staff and faculty here at FXUA are outstanding. They can do so much to improve your learning, living and health environment. It makes me happy to say that FXUA has become a part of my family.

Ariunjargal Tsogtbayar
Alumni, School of Language Studies