Andrea Villa Hernandez

For years I thought about pursuing a master’s degree in America. FXUA has made that dream come true. In my MBA program, I have the opportunity to learn about real-world business cases. My professors and the FXUA staff always help me with my questions and concerns and encourage me. Right now, I am working with the Career Center to prepare for obtaining my dream job.

I love FXUA!

Andrea Villa Hernandez
Alumni, Master of Business Administration

Sarangoo Bat-Erdene

I am a graduate student at FXUA and very proud of my school! I started my MBA in January of last year, and I see a huge difference when I compare my knowledge when I first started to now! Within a year, FXUA made a new me full of new experiences and hundreds of new friends. I love the location and the affordable price. We have very helpful and experienced professors who are always ready to solve our problems. I used to come to the United States every summer while I was doing my bachelors in my country, and I had decided to do my MBA in the United States. So I did some research to find the right school for me. I have no doubt that FXUA was the best choice to continue my study. Every time I come to my school, I feel my choice was more than right.

Sarangoo Bat-Erdene
Alumni, MBA in Human Resources Management

Veronica Enriquez Cujar

The best part of my master’s program in the FXUA School of Public & International Affairs is its hands-on approach. We don’t only focus on theory but actually get to see the work of a government in action and even participate in it. For instance, this first year alone, I have volunteered on a political campaign along with my peers, heard the American president speak in person, met and spoke with local government officials, and attended several conferences in Washington, DC. This provides ideal training, sets us up for success in our careers, and gives us the experience that helps us to excel in our field. When I talk to my friends in FXUA’s other schools – business, education, computers, language studies – they all share similar experiences in their FXUA education. It feels great that I made the right choice: FXUA is the perfect investment in my future.

Veronica Enriquez Cujar
Alumni, Master of Science in International Relations

Manzura Dautova

In any workplace, employers seek people who are culturally diverse.  FXUA has given me the opportunity to learn about so many different world cultures – all in one place – and to use my language skills. The most important part of living and studying abroad is to take control of my future by exposing myself to new paths and seeing my own country and customs through new eyes. I think the best time to study abroad is while you are young and energetic, before you are tied down to one place.  FXUA has also given me the opportunity to work in the Office of Student Affairs where I am able to help students act on new ideas that they are bringing to our school. I love to see their happy faces when their goals are achieved.  My advice for new students coming to FXUA is to write down your goals and never lose sight of what you came here for. Learn to be fully independent and see what you can do on your own.

Manzura Dautova
Alumni, MBA in International Business

Battulga Munkhbat

Everyone feels a certain level of discomfort when entering a new place, and I thought it was going to be a problem when I arrived in the States. In contrast, FXUA provides a welcoming and comforting atmosphere. Looking back now, I cannot imagine how much my perspective as a fellow citizen of the world changed thanks to my multinational classmates and friends. It’s also great to know that even after I graduate, I have a place to crash on each continent! And that’s what I’m planning to do after my graduation: travel around the world, explore it, and visit some of my classmates’ homelands.

Battulga Munkhbat
Alumni, BBA in Finance

Armando Mori

Studying logistics in the United States, is a great opportunity and is something I always wanted to do. My home country Peru’s biggest provider of both goods and consumers is the USA, so the chance to study here, in a location so important to our commerce, was logical. FXUA makes my life in the USA so much more meaningful, and I am very grateful to have found this great university and people. Once you come here as students, you will earn not only a competitive, 21st century American education but also get a chance to network with peers who come from every corner of the world. Make your academic dreams come true at FXUA, and see the world differently as you learn from globally-inspired professors.

Armando Mori
Alumni, MBA in Global Logistics

Faculty Profile: Terry Camden, EdD

My teaching experiences at Fairfax University of America have been some of the most rewarding experiences of my career. FXUA students bring a high level of motivation aimed at learning, understanding, and development. I see this illustrated constantly by their willingness to work at overcoming language barriers, critical questioning and inquiry, and deep practical interests in multiple business disciplines. As a fellow business professional, I find this level of enthusiasm exciting as these students enter the professional workforce or continue on with academic studies.

FXUA offers academic freedom for all, especially for the staff and faculty to design curriculum that addresses the most current and critical issues influencing the global business environment. I am encouraged by the School of Business’s constant expansion of course offerings which provide students the opportunity to become increasingly exposed to a growing number of knowledge disciplines resulting in well rounded, developed professionals ready to take the lead in the business community.

Terry Camden, EdD
School of Business

Stefan Vasilevski

I heard about FXUA while pursuing my undergraduate studies at American College Skopje (Macedonia). I had been in the US twice as a J-1 student visitor (work and travel programs), and I liked the way of life here. After I graduated with my bachelor’s degree, I wanted to come back to the US for my MBA studies. I spoke with my professors in Macedonia and they told me of an opportunity to study abroad. I learned of the exchange program for students at my university to study at FXUA, and that’s how I ended up here! I am proud to be the first Macedonian student at FXUA. It is a very nice feeling and very challenging also.

Living in America is a great experience. You learn about many different cultures, you meet people from all over the world, and if you like to travel there are so many places that you can visit. My advice to new students would be don’t be afraid to come here. At the beginning, it’s a little challenging because of the style of living in America; but once you get over the cultural shock you will enjoy your time here. College life in America is an unforgettable experience, so if you have the opportunity to come here, don’t miss it – especially if you can come to FXUA. This university gives students real preparation for the real world while also making your studies fun.

The professors at FXUA come from different parts of the world and they’ve been where we, the students, are now. They offer great advice. They are very supportive and encouraging, and they are not just trying to teach us what is written in the books but also real life values based on real situations. The best part is that the professors have helped many of my colleagues find internships and jobs. Our class projects are presented to real companies, so every student has the opportunity to show their skills and qualifications.

An American degree is one of the essential things in starting a good career. Of course, it’s up to you how well you will perform, but in my opinion you will have the chance to be part of very successful companies and build a great career – especially with a degree from FXUA. Investing in your knowledge will widen your horizons.

Stefan Vasilevski
Alumni, MBA in International Finance

Munish Verma

Having worked as a user interface designer for more than six years in a multinational company, I made the decision to further upgrade my education because I wanted to improve the skill sets that make managers effective as I progress along my career path. I am dedicated to continuous self improvement in my career and the MS in Information Systems program at Fairfax University of America is helping me to achieve that.

I am really enjoying the collaborative learning environment at FXUA. Interactions with my fellow students are thought provoking and engaging. Our tutors are all professional facilitators who are doing an excellent job in guiding us. I really enjoy the quality of the education that I am receiving as the school brings in leaders in the field for each of my courses.

Apart from this, I also have had a chance to participate in volunteer activities in different events that are held in the university and with outside organizations.  I was even awarded an appreciation letter for participating in volunteer programs.

I also have had the opportunity to work as a student support representative with the Media Department at FXUA as an assistant designer. Although it has been challenging for me to balance my studies with my job, the friendly and encouraging learning atmosphere helps to support me in my academics and also in my career goals. I have more confidence in my chosen profession than ever before.  It is an honor to learn along with such a great blend of brilliant minds from all corners of the globe.


Munish Verma
Alumni, MS in Information Systems

Bayanjargal Battumur

I first learned about Fairfax University of America through the university’s partnership with the Mongolian Royal Academy in Mongolia, where I am originally from. I chose Fairfax University of America because FXUA is a great place to study, make friends, have fun, and – most importantly – make unforgettable memories. Also, the professors here are really nice and very understanding. They can help you whenever you are struggling with the materials they are going over in class or even if students just need help with their assignments.

I am proud to be part of Fairfax University of America. It is a safe environment, and the students are provided the freedom to celebrate their beliefs while also treating each other with respect, as if they were members of a family. FXUA has an outstanding education program with highly prepared instructors that care about their students’ success. This university has everything that a student needs to reach their goals, including the Career Center, Students Affairs, the Student Union, and the Writing Center. FXUA not only cares about academics, it also cares about students’ interests and so it offers a variety of clubs and organizations for people to join.

I have made many good friends from other countries since coming to Fairfax University of America.  I am able to learn about each of their countries, their cultures, and their thinking. They always study hard so they can achieve their dreams, and they make me more enthusiastic about studying.  The experience here has broadened my horizons and really changed my view about many things.

My advice to prospective students is, when you come to the Fairfax University of America, do not be afraid to venture out and join clubs and societies. You will experience living amongst people from many nationalities and make lifelong friends. Coming here was one of the best decisions I could have made.

Bayanjargal Battumur
Alumni, BS in Business Administration