APA Basics

The American Psychological Association (APA) has a publication manual the outlines specific formats and styles to use when submitting a manuscript for publication to APA. The Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (commonly referred to as the APA manual) is the source for all things related to formatting and style according to the American Psychological Association. APA is commonly used in the social sciences as a means of standardizing communication and formatting.

Fairfax University of America subscribes to APA formatting across all programs and disciplines at the university. A style guide that helps us understand how to write and document properly according to the APA and provides consistency for format and style. The APA manual is a guide that tells us how to

Document sources

  • In-text citations and referenced work
  • Give credit to others in our writing in ways other than citation

Ethically research

  • Using a fair amount of other researchers’ work while still keeping your own work original
  • Conducting research that is honest and complete

Write Properly

  • This gives us standardized rules for English grammar
  • How to write clearly and concisely
  • How to organize papers and present ideas
  • How to reduce biased language
  • How to use the basics (bullet points, numbering, etc.)

Presentation of Ideas

  • How to display charts, graphs, results, etc.
  • The overall look of the paper

Although there are other styles of formatting, FXUA uses APA formatting as its sole source for formatting and style.

Below are some resources related to APA.

If you are unable to find a resource related to a specific question or topic, you have two ways to communicate with the WRMC to get your questions answered:

  1. Email a Writing, Research, and Media Center coach at  with your detailed question.
  2. Submit an “Ask a Coach” questionnaire.

Questions may be featured on our WRMC blog.